You are #Fearless – #Indoorcycling playlist 27Feb2016






Regardless of the language (English, French, Spanish or Portguese), being determined and fearless in the face of your challenges is a daunting task. With indoor cycling, you can overcome those hills, those challenges and obstacles, so that you can build the endurance within to seek strength and perseverence.
Today, be limitless. Today be fearless. Tomorrow – do the same.


The Ability of Your #Indoorcycling Participants To Inspire You & the Playlist

Typically, it’s the other way around. As an indoor cycling instructor, we play the part of the coach, the motivator, the listener and the one who encourages the participants. In yesterday’s ride, after a particularly grueling day at work, I was feeling a bit uninspired and unmotivated. I had prepared a new playlist and was excited to share it with my class. However, as the day wore on, I found it hard to find the positive energy. As I noted in a previous post, we as instructors, cannot have a bad day!! We are performers and as such, the expectations are for an awesome class, each and every time.

But when you are somewhat unable to break out of a funk and get ready to bring your A-game, out of the least likely places, there came my #HumpDayCycling posse!! Energized and invigorated (I guess they were all having a great day), they high-fived me as I walked in to the studio, started cheering when I played the pre-music and some started to dance for no reason at all!! In a split-second, I was transformed into me!! Yes, it took just a few seconds and all of a sudden that “bad day” was a distant memory. Needless to say, that ride was for the ages!!

Thank you to my loyal posse – you inspire me!!

Here’s your playlist:


